List of Translations

These translations are predominantly of lyrics by Takashi Matsumoto, originally of Happy End. There are a few Haruomi Hosono, Eiichi Ohtaki,...

December 01, 2020

The series in PDF

My dear friend Ralf Sauter surprised me this week with what turned out to be, inadvertently, an early birthday gift: the complete Grain Sparrow series in beautifully formatted, delightfully readable, search function-ready PDF!

Scrolling through it, I was alarmed to see how many typos Id failed to notice back when I was posting my write-ups daily, but thats all right. The only real howler Ive spotted is in the When He Returns write-up, where I call the song that opens Big Bloods wondrous album Operate Spaceship Earth Properly  "Where We Were Young" instead of its true name, When I Was Young. Other typos generally seem to be the comprehensible kind.

For anybody who would like Ralf’s PDF for their records, here is a download link:

Today, December the 1st, I turn 31. I woke up at 6:30 in the morning with Joni Mitchell in my headCold Blue Steel and Sweet Fire.


  1. Great, I've just downloaded my copy! This was a fantastic series, Sigismund - do you think you'll write more about Bob in the future?

    1. Thank you for the note, Tim! I'm really pleased that my series prompted you to start your own blog. I like your posts a lot; they're interesting, clear, well-organized, and don't just repeat the same stuff ad nauseum, like 99% of the online Dylan writing I've seen.

      I hadn't been planning to do any more Bob writing -- I sort of, what's that crude expression, blew my load with this 100 favorites series. But as I was thinking about your comment yesterday, it occurred to me that it might be fun down the line to do a more modest Nuggets of Bob sort of thing, in which I might write about some of the many wonderful songs that didn't squeeze into my top 100.

      The plan for 2021, though, is a series of Leonard Cohen appreciations! These'll be "dialogues" based on email exchanges with a close friend who's been listening to Cohen since the 1970s. It won't be rigorous or ranked like the Bob series was, just gushings about/considerations of songs that both he and I love.

    2. That sounds fantastic - I'm a big Cohen fan, so I'd definitely enjoy reading that. And thanks for the kind words about my blog!

    3. Oh, good! It's terrific to know there'll be at least one interested reader. My friend and I are only just getting started, but I'll let you know later this year when it's launched.
