List of Translations

These translations are predominantly of lyrics by Takashi Matsumoto, originally of Happy End. There are a few Haruomi Hosono, Eiichi Ohtaki,...

August 10, 2024

Translation: Choo-Choo Train of Love (Part 2) (Eiichi Ohtaki)

In 1972, even Takashi's silly songs were first-rate.

And had awesome Shigeru Suzuki guitar solos.

Make way for Eiichi Ohtaki's CHOO-CHOO TRAIN OF LOVE (Part 2)


Run on over here, cute baby.
As quickly as you can, cute baby!
Across the fields —
and the mountains —
and the rivers,
in one swoop to Nagasaki.
Hurry! Hurry! 
Hurry, choo-choo train!

You're arriving so late, baby.
I need you right now, cool baby.
Oh lovely girl, lovely girl,
won't you throw me a kiss?
Love! Romance! Melodrama!
Hurry, choo-choo train!

Burn, my fiery baby!
Tempestuously rolling baby!
Softening, enchanting, crazy love!
You are my fated one,
you and you alone.
Hurry! Hurry! 
Hurry, choo-choo train!

Run with all your heart, baby.
Unaware of others, baby.
Disperse the crowd of swarming men
and dash to Yokohama Harbor.
Hurry! Hurry! 
Hurry, choo-choo train!

choo-choo train of love!!!

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