List of Translations

These translations are predominantly of lyrics by Takashi Matsumoto, originally of Happy End. There are a few Haruomi Hosono, Eiichi Ohtaki,...

August 10, 2024

Translation: But That Someone Isn't Me (Eiichi Ohtaki)

But That Someone Isn't Me (Ohtaki/Matsumoto) is arguably the peak of their songwriting collaboration* — says someone who has yet to hear A Long Vacation and Each Time, but come on, you can't top this. Every shortlist of all-time perfect songs has this song on it, right? If only (but not only) because of the harmonies?

Eiichi Ohtaki was a mad genius. I'll never understand how Hosono (himself a mad genius too, of course) was able to find so many magnificent people to collaborate with. And he always found them before their talent had flowered. Hosono the Great Catalyst.

I love that this set of lyrics is just Takashi rewriting Yudemen's Morning. "No, I didn't get it right. I'll try again." Doing exactly the same thing again is among the most important prerogatives an artist has. And sure enough, Takashi did it infinitely better — a mere two years later, damn it... some people get all the level-ups.

*At worst, it's tied with I Want to Hold You Close.


One of the red clouds of morning
has torn apart
and dreams are being spun there
in the opening sky.

The pure red on your cheek is melting
as you go on sleeping,
completely at ease.

There's someone looking in
from within that radiant light outside,
but that someone isn't me.
It's just the wind.

As for me, I bury my face in your chest
and strain to hear the sounds of morning.

The pale purple day
murmurs in its gentle way
as it coruscates within
the coffee pot. 

Your hair's delicate motions
fill me to the brim
with the smell of apples.

There's someone looking in
from within that radiant light outside,
but that someone isn't me.
It's just the wind.

The wind illuminates you
as you're busy with your make-up.
I take the opportunity
to yawn. 

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