List of Translations

These translations are predominantly of lyrics by Takashi Matsumoto, originally of Happy End. There are a few Haruomi Hosono, Eiichi Ohtaki,...

July 23, 2024

Translation: Morning (Happy End)

By 1970, it wasn't just Buffalo Springfield that the guys in Happy End had in their collection of imported LPs; there was Neil Young's first solo album (1968), which proved similarly influential, and even the first Crosby, Stills & Nash (1969). So they knew the softer side of Stephen Stills. Eiichi Ohtaki used it as his model for Morning.

Who says derivative things can't also be beautiful?


Morning leaks through
the gaps in the curtain,
enfolding you tenderly
where you lay.
Light comes to play
on the white of the wall.
You're beautiful, 
sleeping there.

Morning is moving
inside me too.

I'd been living alone
with my face turned away,
and I couldn't see a thing,
and I couldn't hear a thing.
And now that seems
such a long time ago.

"You're awake?"
I hear you say sleepily.
Your eyes are just barely open
and you're smiling.
I don't answer.
I just take a deep breath.
It's warm here,
and outside the window
it's winter.

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