List of Translations

These translations are predominantly of lyrics by Takashi Matsumoto, originally of Happy End. There are a few Haruomi Hosono, Eiichi Ohtaki,...

July 30, 2024

Translation: The Three o'Clock Lullaby (Haruomi Hosono)

One of the great things about Side B of Tropical Dandy is the tracklist. Very classy of Hosono not to add "instrumental" to the fourth and fifth track titles.

I adored The Three o'Clock Lullaby (and its lush instrumental follow-up) before I listened into (/read into) the lyrics, but let me tell you, once I did...

I didn't get the last line right, it's still a little off. I'll come back and edit it after I figure it out. Gotta first await the eventual, inevitable hit of TSE (Translator's Sudden Epiphany). Can't rush that, just have to listen more — as if I needed more excuses to play Tropical Dandy, ha! (Edit, many months later: Yeah, nailed it.)


Dream thee now, here on my lap
while an old record is playing.
And you, wind;
and you, light, too:
passing by outside my window.
It's the three o'clock lullaby you're hearing.

Until someone knocks on the door,
we'll stuff this magic bottle
full of tea 
and full of stories
underneath a cold tin roof.

When we've talked over the town gossip
and when we've sung along to that hit song
even though it's popular,
tell me more about the dream
you dreamed last night.
Your words will be my lullaby.

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