List of Translations

These translations are predominantly of lyrics by Takashi Matsumoto, originally of Happy End. There are a few Haruomi Hosono, Eiichi Ohtaki,...

July 30, 2024

Translation: A Castaway's Story (Haruomi Hosono)

The Japanese is economical — two short verses and a chorus repeated verbatim; the individual lines are mostly short too — as befits someone in the narrator's position. So then I got to wondering whether Hosono's leisurely singing style isn't also a reflection of the speed of the narrator's conveyance.

I opted to elaborate rather than stay faithfully terse. I couldn't get the details of the scene across clearly when I tried to keep the English lines as short as the Japanese. 

A Castaway's Story both opens and closes Side B of the Dandy.


Right underneath me
something strange floats along:
a phantom version
of the town I'm from.
In every other direction
there's nothing visible at all.
I myself
am on a raft.

Even if I reached a desert island,
there'd be nobody there but me,
so I let the heat do what it will
and start to whistle 
as off-key as ever? 
Man, some things never change.

Right underneath me
the town goes on floating
as I go on poling
my raft along.
If I dove in right now,
it would fill up my memory:
that town
in which I was born.

Even if I reached a desert island,
there'd be nobody there but me,
so I let the heat do what it will
and start to whistle 
as off-key as ever? 
Man, some things never change.

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