July 11, 2024

Translation: Tsupparing Blues (Shigeru Suzuki)

Or: the tale of a hapless badass.

The words to Lady Pink Panther, the song that leads off Shigeru Suzuki's Hosono-produced album Lagoon, were born out of Shigeru and Takashi Matsumoto's mutual love for the Pink Panther movies. Tsupparing Blues, a co-write from the following year, feels like a tribute to low-budget urban crime comedy shows. 

Personally, it puts me in mind of South Korea's epic High Kickmy favorite sitcom of all time. Takashi's story feels like the blueprint for a High Kick running gag.


It was two o'clock when I parked my motorcycle.
I looked away for only a moment,
and when I looked back, what do you know?
The tires, handlebars, and pretty much all the rest
had vanished.

"Don't look down on me!" I shouted,
but no one paid me any mind.
If you're careless, this town called Tokyo
will take your very life.

It was a little after three when 
I'd been standing at the bank counter
awaiting a withdrawal 
security guards appeared
and pinioned me.

I happen to resemble 
the man in the wanted poster, so shoot me!
My parents' genes are to blame for my face, not me!
If you're careless, this town called Tokyo
will really wear you down.

It was five o'clock when I called out to the girl —
that quiet girl, you know, with the wispy bangs —
"When all this is over —"
I turned to look at her
and held out my right hand.

I wanted a parting handshake —
and, I guess, a guarantee.
If you're careless, this town called Tokyo
will wring your very heart out.

"Don't look down on me!" I shouted,
but no one paid me any mind.
If you're careless, this town called Tokyo
will take your very life.

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