List of Translations

These translations are predominantly of lyrics by Takashi Matsumoto, originally of Happy End. There are a few Haruomi Hosono, Eiichi Ohtaki,...

July 30, 2024

Translation: Sultry Night (Haruomi Hosono)

Just one of those "put it on repeat and bliss out forever" songs.

Sultry Night is a major piece of the Hosono lore — the first arrangement, ala The Band / Hosono House, wasn't working, and for a while, Hosono couldn't figure out why — then came several epiphanic moments, and Harry "The Crown" Hosono was born, and the Tropical Trilogy was underway — but all that's been documented elsewhere.

Also! Two things Hosono and I have in common: we don't change our guitar strings, and we love The Band's Cahoots. You can really hear the Cahootsianism here. 


The submerged sea,
the floating island —
this calm, quiet feeling that's waxing full
is all on account of the moon.

In Tokyo, at about this time,
the asphalt's melting
and the streets are busy
becoming streaming rivers.

In Shanghai, at about this time,
the pots of fish will be at rolling boils
and the wind wandering the city.

Close your eyes.

Fragrant water.
Drowsing ferns.
This is the Pure Land.
Yet it's hot as hell.

At about this time, in Minnesota,
the eggs will have boiled through
and no one will be able to fall alseep.

When I think of Trinidad,
it hurries across the world to me.
It must be so lovely there tonight.

The submerged night.
The floating dream.
Wind patterns inside
a full moon heart.

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